Heartland Communications Group LLC, including WATW-AM, WBSZ-FM, WERL-AM, WJJH-FM, WNXR-FM, WRJO-FM, watwam.com, wbszfm.com,werlam.com, wjjhfm.com, wnxrfm.com, wrjo.com and heartlandshoppingshow.com are all protected by copyright laws.

All of the information broadcast on air and online, as well as published both in print and/or online, including articles, audio clips, illustrations, graphics, photographs, and videos, are protected by these copyright and other state and federal intellectual property laws.

Therefore, you may not use our content in any prohibited way – including reproducing, publishing, transmitting, selling, rewriting, broadcasting, or posting on the internet – without the expressed written permission of Heartland Communications Group LLC. Prohibited use also includes publication of our material in printed or electronic brochures, newsletters, or flyers, as well as all web site or e-mail distribution.

To obtain permission to use copyrighted material, e-mail Mike Wolf at wolf@wrjo.com or Skip Hunter at skip@wjjhfm.com.